A sound sleep at night is something priceless that has a profound impact on our overall health and happiness. There are several sleep hacks that can help with a good slumber, like taking a soothing cup of tea or reading a book in bed. Well, a highly effective way to promote a solid night’s sleep is by doing yoga.
Breathing exercises and yoga calm down your nervous system, which brings your body to a more relaxed state, helping you fall asleep. Nevertheless, to make this happen, you need to practice the right poses since not all yoga poses can help with sleep issues. You need to do relaxing movements that calm the body and clear the head.
How can Yoga Assist in Sleep?
Like any type of exercise, yoga is an effective way to alleviate stress and unwind. As per research, practicing yoga may help to reduce the levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. The degree of cortisol reduction may differ based on factors like intensity and frequency of yoga practice. Moreover, some studies have demonstrated promising results about the impact of yoga on symptoms of depression.
Cortisol levels considerably influence sleep patterns, with higher cortisol levels often being associated with trouble in falling and staying asleep. According to a 2019 study, including yoga in our routine can be beneficial in alleviating and treating insomnia symptoms. These findings show that practicing yoga can be significantly helpful in improving sleep quality.
Yoga Poses to Practise at Night Before Bed
Here are some mindful and gentle bedtime yoga poses for quality sleep.
1. Neck Stretch

Neck Stretch Yoga Pose | Photo by Miriam Alonso
If you spend long hours working at a computer or at a job requiring working at odd angles (like estheticians and dental hygienists), a neck stretch before bed may benefit you. Sleep Foundation says that this is an effective exercise for releasing tension that makes it difficult for some people to fall asleep.
To do this pose, simply sit up straight (standing or seated) and let your ear touch your shoulder on one side. Repeat this on the other side. Then, stretch by letting your chin touch your chest. Next, to stretch your neck’s front, lift your chin towards the ceiling.
2. Legs on the Wall (Viparita Karani)

Legs on the Wall (Viparita Karani) Yoga Pose | Photo by Thirdman
This simple exercise has notable benefits for your overall stress levels, sleep, and lymphatic system. This is because the pose involves placing the feet above the head, promoting circulation.
Find a wall in your home having adequate space around it for you to lie down comfortably. Lay a workout or yoga mat on the floor; it should be perpendicular to the wall. Sit on the mat, and scoot your hip as close to the wall as possible. Next, lie back on the mat and raise your feet up the wall as high as possible. If you have high flexibility, you might be able to scoot your butt to the wall, your legs remaining flat against the wall, with your body forming a right angle. If you haven’t reached there yet in terms of flexibility, worry not. Raise your legs as much as you can comfortably. You’ll still experience the advantages of increased circulation.
3. Child’s Pose

Child’s Pose | Photo by Vlada Karpovich
To do this pose, start by getting on your hands and knees or kneeling. Place your head very close to the ground and tuck your feet beneath your hips. Stretch out your hands in front of you, simultaneously stretching your spine. The more you stretch your hands outwards, the better will be your stretch.
4. Cat-Cow Pose

Cat Cow Yogas Pose | Photo by Anastasia Shuraeva
If you sit in front of a computer for long hours, tension can be created in your neck and upper back. This can cause jaw pain and headaches over time. This simple bedtime exercise can release these tight muscles.
For this exercise, begin on all fours. Plant your hands and knees on the ground and round your back while tilting your head down. Hold that position for 30 seconds and then move back to a neutral spine. Then, arch your back while raising your chin towards the ceiling. Hold the position for 30 seconds and then move back to a neutral spine. Repeat.
5. Reclining Bound Angle (Supta Baddha Konasana)

Reclining Bound Angle (Supta Baddha Konasana) Yoga Pose | Photo by Freepik
This is a great yoga pose to release the tension in tight hips, usually created by sitting at a desk for prolonged times.
For this pose, lie down on a yoga mat first. Bend your knees while tucking the feet close to your bottom. Then, butterfly your legs i.e., move the knees away from one another while sticking together the soles of your feet. This stretch may be felt in the groin first, but it helps to loosen up the hips as well. If you find this exercise strenuous, consider keeping a yoga block beneath each of your knees for support. Simultaneously, keep your arms around 45 degrees away from your body, while your palms face up. Close your eyes and experience the relaxation created by the stretch.
Wrapping Up
So, try including these bedtime yoga poses in your daily routine and experience the improved sleep and relaxing effects created by them. Although you might have to take a few minutes out of your busy schedule to practice, the time investment will surely bring you rewarding results in terms of your health. And as we all know, health is wealth!
Besides doing yoga and adopting other sleep hacks for a better slumber, it’s important to have good quality bedding. Poor bedding, including your mattress, pillows, and other stuff, can adversely impact your sleep quality and even your overall health. So, make sure you’re sleeping on good quality bedding to experience sound sleep and good health.