Effects of Shift in the Sleep-wake Cycle

cotton mattress pads

Modern-day lifestyles often lead people to experience irregular sleep patterns and a shift in their sleep-wake cycle. The underlying cause of a shift in the circadian rhythm or sleep-wake cycle could be varied and many.

It could be due to busy work schedules, jet lag due to frequent traveling across time zones, or simple lifestyle changes. Whatever the cause, the effects could significantly alter our natural sleep patterns ultimately leading to serious repercussions on our health and overall well being.

As a firm advocate of natural sleep and as a manufacturer of organic bedding and sleep wellness products, we believe that it is crucial to understand the ramifications of such shifts in the sleep-wake cycle.

We also understand the value of investing in an organic lifestyle including natural and sustainable bedding products such as a cotton mattress pad, to elevate your sleep comfort and render yourself immune to the changes in the biorhythm.

In this blog post, we will discuss the effects one can experience due to a shift in the sleep-wake cycle. We will also ponder upon how choosing organic bedding options such as a cotton mattress pad can help. But, first, let us understand what a sleep-wake cycle is.

Sleep-wake Cycle – Our Body’s Natural Bio Clock

Did you know that as you are awake during the day, your body is accumulating its sleep needs?

It’s called sleep homeostasis, where the amount of accumulated sleep needed for the body is built up during the time you are awake.

Sleep homeostasis coupled with the circadian rhythm which is the body’s internal master clock located in the brain, controls the complex process of the sleep-wake cycle. This master clock controls many biological processes throughout 24 hours, including the release of hormones, metabolism, regulating changes in body temperature, etc.

These 24-hour periodic cycles are synchronized to the body’s reflexes to the light and darkness of the external environment, which affect our sleep and wake times during 24 hours.

How Does a Shift in the Sleep-Wake Cycle Affect Your Health?

When a healthy human body is exposed to the natural environment, the sleep-wake cycle acts pretty normally, such as 16 hours of wakefulness during the day and 8 hours of sleep at night.

This natural cycle can get disrupted due to numerous factors like jet lag, a shift in working hours, or even sleep deprivation, or sleep cycle disorders.

If it is temporary, exposing the body to the natural environment for a few days and following a healthy lifestyle will bring back the natural sleep-wake cycle. But, if the disruptions are frequent, uncontrollable, and erratic, they may have their toll on the physiology.

Irregular sleep-wake cycles can cause fatigue, decreased cognitive function, and a compromised immune system making it vulnerable to various diseases and viruses.

  • Impact on Mental Health

A shift in the sleep-wake cycle can significantly affect mental health. Studies have shown that individuals with irregular sleep patterns are more susceptible to mental issues such as depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorders.

Additionally, if a person is already suffering from any of these disorders, further disruption in the sleep-wake cycle can aggravate these symptoms in the individual.

A consistent sleep schedule coupled with a healthy sleep atmosphere and the use of natural and organic bedding, like a cotton mattress pad, can help restore balance in the sleep-wake cycle. It will have a positive impact on the overall health as well.

  • Cognitive Dilapidation

Cognitive functions like attention, concentration, and critical thinking are directly linked to sleep. Sleep also helps in consolidating memories, both long-term and short-term. These extremely vital cognitive functions take a hit when our sleep cycle is disrupted.

For instance, people who work in rotating shifts often experience diminishing attention spans, decreased alertness, impaired concentration, and cognitive performance. It is due to a lack of adequate sleep and lack of a consistent sleep schedule.

Therefore, investing in an organic cotton mattress pad can help create a conducive sleeping atmosphere that enables you to reap the benefits of a sound sleep at night.

  • Increased Risks of Chronic Health Issues

Scientists have found an intrinsic link between irregular sleep patterns and certain chronic health issues such as cardiovascular diseases, obesity, and diabetes to name a few. Apart from the biochemistry involved, these health issues aggravate due to lifestyle choices too.

Therefore, along with proper medical attention, altering lifestyle habits including sleep habits and sleep environment can help to cope with these chronic health issues.

How Can Organic Bedding and Cotton Mattress Pads Help?

Choosing the correct bedding surface helps in building a conducive, comfortable, and healthy sleep environment. In this case, organic bedding surfaces like cotton mattress pads have immense benefits.

Cotton is a natural, breathable material that helps in better air circulation and moisture absorption, thus, giving optimal temperature control. It ultimately results in less sweating during sleep.

Further, people with allergies and sensitivities can rely on its hypoallergenic properties. It is free from harmful chemicals and artificial pesticides as well, making it a safe and eco-friendly bedding choice.

The Takeaway

Maintaining a consistent sleep-wake cycle is essential for overall well-being, and any disruption to this delicate balance can have profound effects on our physical and mental health.

By choosing organic options like cotton mattress pads for sleeping surfaces, individuals can create a sleep environment that promotes better sleep, enhances cognitive function, and reduces the risk of chronic health conditions.

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