Why Use Futon Mattress for Seating and Sleeping Needs?

futon mattress

In Japanese movies or web series, we often see people sleeping on the floor using a mattress. Have you ever wondered why they prefer to sleep on the floor instead of using a Western-style bed? Many people believe that sleeping on the floor using a foldable mattress has several health benefits and provides for a multi-functional living space as well.

If you observe, you will notice that the mattress Japanese people use for sleeping is less thick than our conventional mattresses. They place the mattress over a thin mat, called a tatami, and rest on it. This type of traditional Japanese mattress is about 3 inches thick, known as Shikifuton or Shikibuton.

The concept of a futon mattress originated from the Japanese Shikifuton. Today’s modern futon mattresses are easy to clean, economical, and a practical storage solution, especially for those with small living spaces. A Western-style mattress can be a little thicker compared to a futon mattress. However, there’s no compromise on comfort.

Let’s explore more and learn about the characteristics of a futon mattress and the advantages of having one at your home.

5 Advantages of Having a Futon Mattress in Your Living Space

Now you might have a lingering question in mind, like Are futons comfortable?And that’s why we present to you five advantages of a futon mattress that can persuade you to purchase one for your place.

1. Space-saving Solution

One of the most significant advantages of having a futon mattress is that it can serve both as a bed and a sofa.

If you have a studio apartment or a small living space or you need an extra resting surface for your guest, a futon can help you in every situation. You can seamlessly switch between a bed and a sofa.

Also, futon mattresses are lighter than conventional sofa beds. Therefore, you can easily move them into any corner of your space, making your space more functional and multipurpose.

2. Comfortable as Your Bed

We know that comfort preferences vary from person to person. Nowadays, people mostly prefer customizable options for their seating and sleeping needs. Since a futon mattress is a versatile piece of bedding product, it can fulfill different comfort needs. You can place a futon mattress over a futon frame or lay it on the floor imitating the traditional Japanese sleeping arrangement.

However, the quality of the mattress plays an important part in deciding its comfort level. Futon mattresses made of premium quality cotton, wool, soy foam, and innerspring can offer excellent comfort akin to a high-quality Western-style mattress.

3. Alleviates Back Pain

Sleeping on the floor might look hard but spending the night on a futon mattress can actually be very comfortable.

Japanese believe that shikifutons have a positive impact on their overall health and well-being. The comfort and ideal firmness of the mattress can relieve their back pain, providing better back support.

Futon mattresses are designed to be used both on the floor and in a futon frame. They are manufactured in a way that supports your neck, shoulders, and back, regardless of the surface you sleep on. Unlike a conventional mattress, which may sink into the ground, a futon mattress maintains its firmness and offers reliable support.

A futon mattress can be a great choice for people waking up with bothersome backaches and those seeking to prevent future back pain.

4. Safe for Children

Futon mattresses can be a great bedding option for your kids.

If you live with a toddler, a futon mattress can be the best bedding option for your baby’s safety. Since these mattresses are placed on the floor, there is no risk for your baby to fall. Your baby can easily crawl and play on the mattress and the floor.

A futon frame is usually of lower height than a conventional bed. Therefore, your children can easily use it to sit or sleep anytime on their own.

5. Provides Better Air Circulation

Every night during sleep, the human body releases moisture that an ordinary mattress may absorb. While some regular mattresses do not get flipped, the moisture migrates into the deeper layers of the mattress. Over time, the moisture spreads all over the mattress and accumulates in its stuffing material, which makes the mattress uncomfortable, saggy, and unhygienic to sleep on.

Since futon mattresses are thinner and lighter, they are easy to move and flip. They do not restrict airflow, making the surface comfortable for sleepers.

At Bio Sleep Concept, futon mattresses are made with breathable materials that can help you sleep cool at night. Additionally, frequently flipping and placing your mattress, can save it from mold and bacteria.

The Bottom Line

In today’s minimalist living spaces, futons have become a very common piece of furniture. The characteristic of seamless transformation has made futons a popular choice among homeowners.

Some people still have questions, like Are futons comfortable?” Whereas, many homeowners are fully enjoying their benefits!

Overall, futon mattresses have occupied a special corner in a large number of hostels, dorms, houses, and apartments.

When are you bringing one home?!

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