Why a Washable Quilted Cotton Mattress Pad Can Be Ideal for the Health of Children and Adults?

cotton mattress

Health concerns are of primary importance to all of us, irrespective of age, gender, and location. Even the ones with the most powerful immune systems can fall victim to chronic ailments under specific circumstances. Hence, it is very important to take care of your own and your family’s well-being in the most scientific way. For instance, you can start by bringing home a quilted cotton mattress pad.

Why a Cotton Mattress Pad?

The necessity to use a mattress pad might appear secondary to many. When you have made a hefty investment buying a mattress, then why do you need a pad on top of it? The main reason being the protection of your mattress! If you are living with your family, especially if that includes your beloved children, the mattress pad will shield your bed from general wear and tear. Whereas the average lifespan of a mattress is about 7-10 years, that too only if you take good care of it, a good quality mattress pad can extend it up to 20 years. Moreover, they are washable too.

But why a mattress pad has to be a cotton one? The synthetic ones are way cheaper, aren’t they? Put simply, your bedding can have a great impact on your health. And when it comes to children, the bed they spend their relaxing hours on can form and define their future physical health to a certain extent.

How the Washable Cotton Mattress Pads Can Improve the Health of Children and Adults?

Some belief in the myth that cotton is good for kids, but adults can cope well with artificially crafted fabrics or beddings. Practically speaking, such viewpoints are absolutely wrong. The grown-ups need to rest on organic cotton beds or mattresses as much as the children. Here are the health benefits of the washable cotton mattress pads:

1. Better Body Support

Different beddings give you different sleeping experiences. Be it coiled or latex form, mattresses are known to be more or less bouncy that can affect you in the following ways:

  • Chronic back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Sleep disturbances due to motion transfer
  • Improper curvature of the spine in infants
  • Utter body discomfort

You expect your bed to be cushiony but not sinking. Mattresses with waterbed-like feel hardly put you at ease, and you keep tossing and turning all night.

No matter what type of beddings you use, a quilted pad will provide you with the desired firm support so that you and your baby can sleep snugly.

2. More Comfort

If your mattress is quite old, evidently, it’s unable to delight you with sweet dreams. Old mattresses tend to get lumpy, hard, and noisy as well if they are the conventional innerspring. They lose prior flexibility over time, causing you to lose some good sleep. And the ones, who spend a substantial time in bed, like patients, aged people, and newborns, are constantly agitated by the uneven bed surface, giving rise to a bunch of issues.

In such cases, especially with a limited budget, it’s better to get a quilted cotton mattress pad than a new expensive mattress to make sure your family’s sleep remains unharmed.

3. Allergen-Free Bed

You put in a lot of effort to keep your and your kids’ bedroom clean and germ-free. As a matter of fact, the allergens are mostly invisible and can make you susceptible to recurrent medical conditions silently. Cough, which is quite common in children, is generally caused by respiratory tract infections. And unless and until your child’s bedroom is free from the menacing allergens, your little one is on the verge of numerous health risks, including skin problems.

The organic cotton mattress pads that are hypoallergenic in nature eliminate all dust mites, molds, pollens maintaining the hygiene of the bedrooms. They are not only ideal for asthma patients but also for people with skin sensitivity. And as these quilted bedding accessories are washable too, occasional machine wash in cold water is good enough to cleanse off even the finest dirt particles.

4. Zero Toxicity

Apart from the microscopic foreign bodies, the raw materials of your mattress can be injected with dangerous chemicals or VOCs. Several synthetic bedding manufacturers use similar compounds to make them fire-resistant. Hence, you must always choose the Greenguard Gold Certified cotton mattress pads for they do not contain any toxic chemicals and are tested safe to sleep on.

5. Soaks Additional Moisture

Cotton fabrics are by default skin-friendly. The quilted cotton mattress pads protect your mattress from excess body moisture or fluids, including sweat, urine, or menstruation bleeding.

As you know, toddlers often wake up crying after making their beds wet that ends up disturbing your sleeping routine. Similar situations can occur to bedridden patients, increasing their levels of inconvenience.

The cotton mattress pads effectively soak up any form of liquid and guard your mattress against catching the stains, leaving your skin and clothes dry and fresh.

The quilted cotton mattress pads are available online as well at no extra shipping charge and come with warranties. Just ensure that you are buying from a reliable site whose organic bedding products are one hundred percent genuine. After all, good sleep is the key to your entire family’s good living!

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