Bedtime Blues? Here’s How to Decode If Your Mattress Needs an Upgrade


You are reading this because:

  • You wake up feeling unrested.
  • You complain of back pain and muscle soreness often.
  • Your mattress smells and shows lumps.
  • You have a hard time falling asleep in bed.

When it comes to sleeping, we’re guilty of taking things for granted, starting with our bed. Seldom do we realize how our mattress has a significant role to play. From offering comfort to cushioning our joints, there’s a lot that a mattress does.

So, when you toss and turn each night, wake up foggy and feel uneasy, know that something’s wrong underneath. In the long run, poor sleep wreaks havoc with physical and mental health impacting work and relationships. But the question is, how do you know it’s time to upgrade your mattress?

5 Telltale Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore in Your Mattress

You might not notice but sometimes your mattress is the main cause you’re not sleeping well. There are several reasons why mattresses need to be replaced and here are five signs you shouldn’t overlook if you do not attain good sleep.

Your Mattress Is More Than A Decade Old

Are you still sleeping on the same mattress bought for your wedding? It’s about time you drop your sentiments!

Whether it’s memory foam or old good springs, the average lifespan of a mattress is anywhere between seven to ten years. Quality is important as cheaper mattresses start wearing out faster. In short, if your mattress is old, out of warranty, and uncomfortable, go buy a new and organic one.

There Are Lumps All Over

It’s only normal for a mattress to show indent in places. This is mainly due to the uneven pressure points across our bodies. Over time, a mattress turns lumpy which is never good for the spine. If you’ve been complaining of recurring backaches, especially after waking up, check for the amount of lump when you change bedsheets. If it’s way too much, it’s probably best to discard the mattress.

However, muscle aches and back pains aren’t limited to old mattresses alone. Even a new mattress can make you feel the same if the stiffness isn’t right. That’s why you must try out a new mattress before buying.

You Can Hear The Mattress Creaking

With time, the springs holding the comfort of the mattress are likely to break. Thus, any minor movement can make creaking noises. For some, these sounds can be really loud disrupting the peace at night. If the creaking’s been a persistent issue, you should be hunting for a new mattress to hold your weight better.

Allergies And Asthma Turning Worse

As mattresses turn old, they start absorbing moisture and stop repelling dust. For a severely humid climate or a room with poor ventilation, mold and mildew are unavoidable. As a result, you may find your asthma symptoms going up or allergies returning faster. A mattress protector works but if the mold has already made its way to the mattress, there’s nothing you can do but throw it away.

You Feel Hot When Sleeping

Mattresses should be regulating the temperature to help you sleep better. But it has a lot to do with the material. For instance, memory foam has a notorious rotation for overheating. In contrast, a gel mattress is cooler. So, if you wake up in the middle of the night feeling hot, consider replacing your mattress.

Is A Mattress Always To Be Blamed?

Undeniably, an old mattress can mess up your sleep. But sometimes, people complain of consistent insomnia and fatigue even though they’re sleeping on a fairly new mattress. In such cases, we need to pay attention to other reasons.

  • Get checked for any sleeping disorder– People with poor sleep can have undiagnosed disorders, like sleep apnea. One of the most common symptoms is loud snoring. Snoring can be benign, but abnormally loud ones are a cause of concern and should be investigated by a specialist doctor.
  • Change your workout timing– Research has shown regular exercise can positively impact sleep. However, exercising too close to bedtime can have a reverse effect, keeping you up at night. If that’s the case with you, consider switching to a morning routine or keep a gap of at least 2-3 hrs between workout and bedtime.
  • Fix your nighttime habits: Prolonged screen time, especially using a phone or laptop right before bed can lead to disturbed sleep. Always unplug your devices and wind up with a relaxing activity like drawing, book reading, or meditation before you fall asleep.
  • Evaluate your diet: Improper diet can also be an underlying factor for disrupted sleep. For example, consuming greasy or spicy food close to bedtime can interfere with your sleep cycles keeping you awake.

Pro Tips To Upgrade To A New Mattress

People don’t change mattresses often. So, when it comes to buying a new one, ensure investing for the better. Here are a handful of expert tips to get you going.

  • Take time to research– The bedding and mattress market is pretty crowded. Every single day, there’s a new brand joining the show. So, it makes sense to spend time researching the quality a brand offers and make sure you invest in an organic mattress. Also, check the customer reviews to know what others have to say.
  • Extended warranty is always good- Typically, a mattress comes with 7-10 years of warranty, which is okay. But if you have an option, always pay for an extended warranty. That way, you can be covered longer for any manufacturing defect or material longevity.
  • Maintain it right- Keeping your mattress in top-notch condition doesn’t have to be difficult. As a first step, try to keep your room as clean as possible and rotate your mattress often. Also, if you live in a humid location, consider using a dehumidifier. Wash and change your bedsheets regularly. Additionally, invest in mattress protectors to keep away stains, spills, pet sheddings, and bugs. Depending on the material, refer to product labels for best wash and care instructions.

The Bottom Line

Sleep is a precursor to good health and wellness. And, upgrading to the right mattress is your ticket to support your sleep goals. Whether you plan on buying a new mattress or are lost for directions with maintenance, this guide can be your ready reckoner.

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