How Does a Wool Futon Mattress Help You Stay Warm and Sleep Well in the Winters?

eco friendly bedding bio sleep concept

A good night’s sleep is one of the most important elements of our daily healthcare regime. If one doesn’t sleep well throughout the year, then he or she might suffer from several medical conditions, like anxiety, headache, drowsiness during the day, among others. While sleeping during the winters might sound like an absolute delight to many, for the residents of the extreme cold regions it is a major challenge!

But with a wool futon mattress, you can overcome all such challenges with ease.

But why suddenly a wool mattress? Well, generally during the cooler months you adapt to the following hacks to keep yourself and your family warm:

  • Using a heater to heat your bedroom
  • Using the flannel or the winter bedsheets
  • Creating layers of additional sheets and blankets
  • Blowing air between the sheets
  • Snuggling up to a hot water bottle
  • Wearing the warm pajamas

As per the sleep experts, your bedroom temperature should be between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit. Of course, it can be a little higher or lower according to your body’s comfort level, but this is considered the standard.

No Compromise on Sleep

Now, all of the above hacks are fine if you are accustomed that way and if that gives you peace of mind. However, there is always a chance that you end up overheating the room or the bed that would give you hot flashes in the middle of the night and waking you up for no reason.

Also, if the heater does not work the way it is supposed to or the layering you created causes you more discomfort than warming up your body, then your lovely wintry nights will be ruined followed by an unpleasant morning.

Cuddling up to your partner is not a bad idea, but it is never an ideal solution.

Relax, there is no need to fret. The wool mattresses have been scientifically proven to put you to sleep cozily and naturally, here’s how:

1. Wool Gets in Synch with Your Body

This might take you by surprise, but wool can synchronize with your body. The fabric supports your body’s microclimate and thermo-regulates your body’s temperature. Science says that wool’s fibers are hollow. So as they hold one-third of its weight in moisture, wool serves as a natural insulator.

During the winter, it keeps warmth in and closes without making you sweaty; it releases your heat upward and out. On the other hand, wool wicks away moisture from your skin in the spring or summer, keeping your body cool. Wool lets the heat rise and pass out freely as more heat comes in.

Additionally, it has been found in the studies that sleeping with or on wool futon mattress or any woollen bedding can lower your heart rate. That means you get undisturbed slumber and increased REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep.

2. Wool Mattress Is Immensely Soft

Does your hard mattress give you a hard time unwinding? Wool mattresses are soft, breathable, and never suffocates your skin. In fact, they can provide you some relief from the painful pressure points. If you often suffer from arthritis or fibromyalgia, the wool futon mattresses can help you.

For people who have to spend a lot of time in bed, the wool mattresses relieve them from bed sores too.

3. Wool Is Hypoallergenic

As sleep is considered one of the most crucial criteria of your overall well-being, it should never expose you to the dangerous allergens that cause most respiratory diseases. As the fabric absorbs the extra moisture quickly, it does not dampen your bedding that creates room for the mold and mildew to grow.

Do remember, other fabrics are more susceptible to collect allergic foreign bodies and take time to release the moisture. Wool is a natural dust mite resistant.

4. Wool Assures No Shifting

The general problem people face with mattress is either they are too firm or they are too bouncy. Now, if your bedding is bouncy, it gets wobbly soon and you experience the shifting issues. Even if your partner moves slightly during sleep, the ripple effects collapse your sweet dreams.

Wool mattresses are known for their coiled fibers and have a natural elasticity that keeps the bedding firm, unlike the down that gets bare spots.

5. Wool Is Fire-Resistant

Wool that has a natural lanolin coating makes it pass the flame retardant tests. While other beddings need to be treated with several toxic materials, wool is naturally resistant to fire.

6. Zero Animal Cruelty

When you go to bed with a clear conscience, you enjoy the best resting time. When you choose eco wool, you must know that no animal is harmed during the shearing process and the sheep are raised most humanely.

When looking for a wool futon mattress for your family, make sure you are getting home the organic wool bedding that is free of bleaching and even friendly to baby skin. So are you ready to make your winters the coziest ever? Then lookup for the eco wool retail stores today!


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