Why You Should Invest in a Sustainable and Organic Mattress this Earth Day

Invest in a Sustainable and Organic Mattress this Earth Day

Environmental sustainability is the new buzzword in marketing, but what does it mean? Sustainability, when it comes to products and services, is merely the quality of being environmentally harmless and preferably renewable, reusable, and biodegradable. An environmentally sustainable product typically doesn’t deplete natural resources when it is being manufactured, mainly if the depletion occurs at a rate faster than the resource can be replaced.

Sustainable products and businesses play a crucial role in supporting and promoting long-term ecological balance on the planet. Most sustainable products are also organic and are therefore beneficial for the health of human beings. Hence, companies selling sustainable products and services are favored by environmentally responsible and health-conscious customers.

Environmental Sustainability and Earth Day

Earth Day is an event celebrated around the world on the 22nd of April every year. The day is meant to promote eco-friendliness and environmental protection. Over 193 countries around the world celebrate Earth Day, which was first observed in the year 1970. As responsible residents of planet earth, we should play our part in trying to create and maintain a more sustainable lifestyle on Earth Day this year, for future generations as well as for every other life form inhabiting the planet.

Buying a Sustainable and Organic Mattress

A company, which manufactures sustainable or organic mattresses will make its products in a manner that ensures the minimal negative impact on the environmental. All the materials used for the manufacturing process must be organic and natural. Moreover, no non-renewable natural resources will be significantly depleted during the manufacturing process.

Every precaution will be taken to minimize the carbon footprint generated by the business during its manufacturing process. Consequently, the bedding products that such a company creates will adequately meet the needs of its present customers, without harming the planet, making it unlivable for future generations.

Apart from enabling you to play a role in saving the planet from environmental degradation, organic mattresses are also known for being comfortable and healthy. They will help you get a good night’s sleep, without being exposed to harmful chemicals and allergens which might have compromised your health and wellbeing, as well as that of your family.

When sleeping on an organic mattress manufactured by a reputed company, you will wake up refreshed and well-rested, without the body aches and pains that traditional, spring coil mattresses often cause. Moreover, such a mattress will create a safe sleeping environment where you would not need to worry about inhaling harmful chemicals such as pesticides and fire retardants in your sleep. These are some of the factors that you should thoughtfully consider when choosing between traditional and organic mattresses for your home.

The Basic Concept of Sustainability

Environmental SustainabilitySustainability as a concept has a vast scope. Within it, however, there are many different elements which, taken together, make for a sustainable business, product, or lifestyle. At its core, environmental sustainability is about doing more with less or making optimum use of every resource at our disposal. Part of this is purchasing fewer items and buying less of what we might not need.

Additionally, it also means making a conscious effort to buy products which require fewer natural resources to be manufactured, marketed, and distributed effectively. Thus, a company that follows a philosophy of less is more is one that is most likely to be committed to the cause of environmental sustainability.

Read on to know more about the elements that constitute a sustainable lifestyle.

– Buying Products Made from Renewable Resources

When purchasing household necessities such as bedding products, you must ensure that the items are made using renewable, natural resources. This means that, whenever possible, you should buy organic products that are manufactured to minimize the depletion of resources. Mattresses made from organic cotton, for instance, are sustainable because cotton plants are renewable and can be replaced within a single year. The fact that most mattresses last for several years ensures that an organic mattress made from cotton or latex does not deplete a natural resource at a rate faster than it can be replaced.

– Reducing the Usage of Harmful Chemicals

This is another crucial factor to consider if sustainable living is your goal. Harmful chemicals and other artificial substances play a significant role in disturbing the ecological balance of planet Earth. Therefore, you should endeavor to buy products that make minimal use of such chemicals. Mattresses often contain chemical fire retardants and pesticides that can not only harm the environment but also affects the health of the sleeper adversely. One way to avoid buying such an item is by opting for a chemical-free organic mattress made from cotton or latex, which is naturally resistant to fire and therefore does not require to be doused in artificial fire retardants.

– Choosing Products Made From Organic Materials

This is of utmost importance when it comes to maintaining a sustainable lifestyle. So, when purchasing bedding items for your household, you must ensure that everything from the mattresses to the blankets and pillows is made from organic materials. Any material that is natural, renewable, and biodegradable can be considered organic and environmentally sustainable. Therefore, you should ensure that the products you buy are made from materials such as cotton and latex, rather than synthetic materials. Apart from being beneficial for the environment, organic products are also healthier and more comfortable to sleep on.

– Buying Fewer Items for Personal Use

Buying fewer items is one of the easiest ways to have a more sustainable lifestyle. Often, we are tempted by advertising and lucrative deals to buy things we might not need. There are several things we buy that we end up using quite infrequently, if at all. Eliminating, or at least minimizing, such impulsive purchases will go a long way in creating a more sustainable planet. When it comes to bedding, do not buy too many extra blankets, bedsheets, and pillows. You should instead invest in a few high-quality, organic, and durable bedding items that will last many years.

– Opting for Reduced Packaging

Packaging materials are often a significant source of environmental pollution. Packaging materials are used for a short while and then discarded immediately after the product has been delivered. Often, these packaging materials are made from non-biodegradable substances such as plastic and Styrofoam. These items litter and pollute the earth for years after they have been discarded, and may become a higher problem for future generations. Therefore, you can decrease your carbon footprint by solely buying products that are sold with minimal packaging. Alternatively, you can also buy products that are sold with organic and biodegradable packaging materials.

Choosing a Sustainable Mattress this Earth Day

organic-mattressesWhile the benefits of sustainable and organic mattresses are indisputable, the question remains – what makes a mattress sustainable?

To begin with, you must do some research about the company from whom you are planning to buy the mattresses. What is their track record? What certifications do their products have? Are they affiliated with the Sustainable Furnishings Council? What materials are typically used to manufacture their products? Once you have all the required information, you can then make an informed purchasing decision, based on your ideas and values when it comes to environmental protection.

Here are some major signifiers of a sustainable mattress:

  • The mattress is made from ethically sourced, renewable, and organic raw materials.
  • No artificial, metallic objects such as coil springs were used, which could harm the health of the person using the mattress.
  • No chemical pesticides and flame retardants were used during the manufacturing process.
  • The end product is durable, long-lasting, and is not susceptible to wear and tear. This proves that only high-quality raw materials were used to make the mattress.
  • The mattress is either recyclable or biodegradable and will not languish in landfills after its life-cycle is complete.
  • That the manufacturers were responsible for sourcing their raw materials in an ethical and cruelty-free manner.

These are some of the characteristics that will have a profound effect on how your mattress impacts the planet, as well as the impact it has on your own health and wellbeing.

In Conclusion

This Earth Day, take a step towards a brighter future and a more sustainable planet by investing in a high-quality organic mattress for your bedroom. Choose a mattress that is comfortable, healthy, and does not pose a danger to the planet. A mattress made from certified organic raw materials will enable you to improve the quality of your sleep while also protecting the future of the human race on planet earth. Buy an organic mattress this Earth Day and make the right decision for yourself, your family, and your planet.

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